ProPertinax – First choice for manufacturing of counter-dies out of Pertinax.

Lasercomb developed the ProPertinax counter plates milling machine for manufacturing high-precision counter plates. Cutting die manufacturer and folding box plants (internal die production) can produce the required high-precision counter plates with our ProPertinax fast and cost-effectively. The operator can either produce a multiple or single layouts.

Operation occurs on a graphic user interface which is comfortable by means of a touch screen and has an intuitive operator guidance. Input of required parameters concerning material and tools is logically and clearly structured. Considerable safety algorithms help to prevent unintentional mistakes.

Daily operations are supported by extensive databases and get along with a minimum of input to define the next job and have the machine ready. Cut corrections can be applied at any time.

The machine is working on the network which allows easy data transmission.

Working area

ProPertinax  ( 1070 x 1070 mm ) 42" x 42


NC-Controller with colored touch screen

Tool head

4 high frequency milling spindle

Additional technical features:

  • Automated operation / manual operation
  • Tool data base
  • Diagnosis
  • Multi-chamber vacuum system